Terms & Conditions
Thank you for considering Marg ERP Limited and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates (referred to as “Marg”, “We”, “Our”, or “Us”). Review these terms of service (“Agreement”) carefully. This is a legally binding agreement between you and Marg. You agree to these terms when you accept it electronically (by clicking “I agree”), install, access, or use the services or products. If you do not accept this agreement, you may not use the services.

Trade Name
Marg ERP Limited owns the trademarks Marg, Marg Logo, the names of the separate services, and their respective logos. You may not display or utilize the Marg trademarks without Marg’s prior written consent. Doing so would be an infringement.

You are legally responsible for all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photos, pictures, video, messages, or other materials (“Content”) that you upload, post, or store via the services. You grant Marg a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to host and use the content to deliver the services to you. You undertake not to use the services for any illegal purpose, or to violate any applicable law or regulation. You are recommended to archive your content on a regular and frequent basis. You are solely liable for any lost or unrecoverable content while using the services. You must offer all necessary and acceptable warnings, information, and disclosures. You promise that you will not use the services to share, store, or disseminate illegally obtained financial data.
Users suspected of having information relating to fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, insider trading, support for terrorism, or any other illegal activity may have their accounts terminated, their financial data erased, and they may be reported to law enforcement officials in the appropriate jurisdictions.
You agree not to store, upload, transmit viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or other disruptive or harmful software or data, as well as any information, software, or content that is not legally yours and may be protected by copyright, other proprietary rights, or copied work, without consent from the copyright owner or trademark holder right owner.

Parts of this Agreement
This agreement is made up of the following terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “general terms”) as well as any terms and conditions related to the usage of certain services (hereinafter referred to as the “service-specific terms”). The term “terms” refers to both general and service-specific terms. In the event of a discrepancy between the general terms and the service-specific terms, the latter shall prevail.

Marg is in the business of offering inventory, accounting software, ERP products, and solutions to a variety of businesses.

Disclaimer of Warranties
All Marg users must accept that they use the product at their own risk.
Marg expressly disclaims any guarantees of any kind, whether stated or understood, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Services and all supporting documentation are provided on a “as is” and “as available” basis, with no explicit, implied, or statutory guarantees, including but not limited to implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, and noninfringement.
Marg makes no assurances or warranties that the services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free. For example, any material downloaded or obtained through the use of the product/services will be at your own discretion and risk, and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system, mobile telephone, wireless device, or data caused by the use of the services or the download of any such material. Marg will provide no advice or information, whether written or oral, collected by you, Marg employees, or representatives that will establish any warranty not expressly expressed in these conditions.
Marg, its affiliates, and suppliers make no assurance or warranty that your use of the services will meet or ensure compliance with any legal duties, rules, or regulations. You are solely responsible for ensuring that your use of the services complies with relevant legislation. Notwithstanding the above, no part of this agreement shall exclude or limit liability to the extent that such exclusion or limitation is forbidden by the applicable Indian laws, and Marg does not exclude or limit liability for:

  • Death or personal harm resulting from its negligence or the fault of its officers, employees, contractors, or agents
  • Fraud or false misrepresentation.
  • Any other liability that cannot be properly excluded under the parties’ contractual agreement.

Limitation of Liability
In no event shall a disclaiming entity be liable for any lost profits, data loss, or any indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages arising from, in connection with, or relating to this agreement or the services, including, but not limited to, the use, inability to use, or unavailability of the Marg products or services.
In no event will any of the disclaiming entities be liable for any damage, loss, or injury caused by hacking, tampering, or other unauthorized access or use of the Service, your Marg account, or the information contained therein, or your failure to use or implement appropriate security controls for your business.

  1. The appropriate entities are not responsible for any personal injury or property damage caused by using the Marg services.
  2. Unauthorized access to or use of Marg servers and personal information, interruption or cessation of transmission, and software bugs, viruses, Trojan horses, or other harmful code transmitted through the Marg services are all prohibited.
  3. Marg is not responsible for any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions in content or information posted, emailed, stored, transmitted, or otherwise made available through their services. 
  4. Additionally, they are not responsible for user content or third-party defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, the disclaiming entities’ cumulative responsibility to you shall be limited to direct damages and shall in no instance exceed in total the fees paid by you to Marg for obtaining a license. This limitation of liability clause applies regardless of the legal basis on which the claim is founded, including without limitation contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or any other basis.
The preceding will apply to the greatest extent authorized by law in the relevant jurisdiction.
Marg Services and Products are managed and operated from locations in India. Unless noted otherwise, Marg makes no representation that the Payment Gateway Services are appropriate or available for use in other areas. Those who access or use the Marg products and services from other jurisdictions do so on their own initiative and are solely responsible for adhering to all applicable Indian, foreign, and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to export and import regulations. You may not utilize Marg products and services from or on behalf of individuals or businesses located in a country embargoed by India.

  1. a) Prohibited or disallowed by the Indian government. Unless otherwise noted, the materials contained in the Marg Product and Services are intended primarily for persons, businesses, or other entities based in India.

Right to Amend
The company reserves the right to amend or add to the terms of this Agreement at any time, as well as to change, delete, discontinue, or impose conditions on any feature or aspect of Marg products and services with or without notice, as we deem reasonable in the circumstances. such use of the Payment Gateway Services or software after we notify you via email of such modifications will represent your acceptance of this Agreement as updated.

Right to Amend
Any rights or licenses granted hereunder may not be transferred or assigned by you without our prior written approval; however, we may assign them without consent or other limitation upon notice to you or when substantially all of Marg’s assets are sold. Any effort by you to assign this Agreement, or any rights or licenses granted hereunder, without Marg’s express written consent is null and void.

This agreement binds you and your representatives, as well as any permitted and approved successors (including those resulting from mergers and acquisitions) or assigns.

Indemnification Trademark
You agree to indemnify and hold Marg, its officers, employees, suppliers, and affiliates harmless from any losses, damages, fines, and expenses arising from or related to any services you have used in violation of another party’s rights, any law, or any provision of the terms.

Suspension and termination
The company reserves the right to suspend any user account or temporarily block access to all or part of any service in the event of suspected criminal behavior, a violation of usage rules, extended periods of inactivity, or demands from law enforcement or other government agencies.

Disputes: Choice of law, jurisdiction, and venue
In the event of any disputes arising from the terms and conditions, the choice of law, jurisdiction, and venue will be governed by the laws of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. All parties agree that the laws of Dubai will exclusively govern and interpret these terms. The competent courts of Dubai shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions.
Any legal proceedings initiated about these terms must be brought exclusively before the courts located in Dubai. By agreeing to these terms, all parties consent to the jurisdiction of these courts and waive any objections to the venue or inconvenient forum. This choice of law, jurisdiction, and venue provision ensures that any disputes are resolved in a consistent legal framework, providing clarity and predictability for all parties involved.

Force Majeure
No party will be liable for any kind of processing delays or other nonperformance caused by circumstances such as fires, telecommunications failures, utility failures, power failures, equipment failures, labor conflicts, violence, war, terrorist attacks, nonperformance of our vendors or suppliers, acts of God, or other causes over which the respective party has no reasonable control, except that nothing in this section will affect or excuse your liabilities and obligations.

In addition to any preparation reasonably required to fulfill or enforce the purpose of this agreement, legal to specific clauses that will survive termination of this agreement will endure and stay in effect per their terms.

Termination and Other Legal Terms
Marg maintains the right to cancel the user account or product in the event of a violation of the terms and guidelines. We may also terminate your account if you violate any of the terms. You may also terminate the agreement in writing by providing notice before 7 days of termination.

You should decide whether or if taxes apply to the sale of your products and services, as well as payments received in connection with your use of Marg (“Taxes”). It is solely your responsibility to assess, collect, submit, and remit the relevant tax to the appropriate tax body.
We are not required to, nor will we determine whether taxes apply, or to compute, collect, report, or submit any taxes resulting from any transaction to any tax authority. You acknowledge that we can submit certain reports to tax authorities regarding transactions that we handle and users to whom we provide Marg Products and services.

Your Data Security Obligations
You are solely responsible for the security of data stored on your site, via your app/product, or otherwise in your hands. You undertake to follow all applicable state and federal laws and standards when collecting, securing, and disseminating any personal, financial, card, or transaction information (referred to as “user data”) on your website/computer/device or through your app. While a payment gateway can help with compliance, you are ultimately responsible for adhering to any laws, regulations, or rules that apply to your organization.

Your Privacy
Privacy and the protection of personal information are extremely important to us. You acknowledge that you have received, read in full, and agree to the terms of our privacy policy, which is linked to and incorporated into this Agreement by reference and includes your consent to the collection, use, retention, and sharing of personal information, among other things. The privacy policy also outlines how and why we collect, utilize, retain, disclose, and protect the personal information you supply to us. You acknowledge that we are required to transmit your company name and limited information to financial service providers.

Marg ERP will likely contact you via. Before utilizing the software, send an email, call, or SMS to ensure correct authentication. Marg ERP has the right to revoke any software license that has been downloaded from any source without proper authority.

Marketing/ Newsletters
By signing in/ registering at www.margerpgulf.com, you agree to receive newsletters, marketing communication, and promotional messages from Marg ERP Ltd.

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